Private testing is invaluable. It takes more than 15 years before a scientifically proven screening technique gets incorporated into main stream medicine. ND's work with private testing labs to offer the most current, cutting-edge testing methods available. These tests include food sensitivity screening, salivary and urinary hormone panels, heavy metal burden assessments, parasite and bowel screening, as well as vitamin and mineral status.
W H O S H O U L D G E T T E S T E D?
Is testing right for you?
The push to make lifestyle changes is not easy and if you are the type of person who needs to see concrete evidence of why you need to make them - then testing may be right for you. It also offers reassurance that your treatment plan is as tailored to what your body needs. For new technologically advanced tests to reach our main stream health care system it takes many years; however, many of these tests are available through your naturopathic doctor first.
S K I N S C R A T C H & F O O D S E N S I T I V I T Y T E S T I N G
These are the two most popular tests I commonly run. Skin scratch testing can be done in house and takes about 25min. Food sensitivity testing is also done in the office; however, the blood sample needs to be sent out to a lab for processing.
Skin Scratch TestingSkin scratch testing takes about 25min and screns for immediate allergies via the antibody IgE. These type of allergic reactions appear soon after being exposed to the allergen. For example, peanuts causing throat itchiness and difficulty breathing. The skin is lightly pricked and the allergenic substance is applied, then after 20 min any reactions on the skin are compared to a control. This test is good for anyone who has seasonal allergies, periodic hives, difficulty breathing, or who have had past experiences of anaphylaxis.
FST Food Sensitivity TestFood Sensitivity Testing (FST) screens for IgG antibodies, which correlate to food sensitivities. These are different than food allergies (IgE) as symptoms can appear days to weeks after eating an aggravating food not immediately like an IgE. Anyone with digestive issues, skin complaints, joint pain, asthma, allergies, or depression / anxiety will benefit from this test. It involves a quick blood draw in office and the sample is sent to the lab for processing, which typically takes 1 - 2 weeks.
W H A T T E S T S A R E A V A I L A B L E ?
The most popular tests are food allergy and Skin Skratch tests; however, hormone panels are commonly done and heavy metal screenings followed by stool analysistesting.
Other tests are available including healthy living assessments, cardiovascular screenings, men's health assessments, lipid assessments, as well as iron and thyroid panels. These are all performed through any life labs in your local area.
If you have questions about what test may be right for you email me at:
[email protected]
[email protected]
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