U B I - B I O P H O T O N I C T H E R A P Y - P H O T O L U M I N E S C E N C E - P H O T O P H E R E S I S - L I G H T T H E R A P Y
70 year history, no side effects and an efficacy rate of 60-80%.
For years alternative doctors have being recommending a regime of light therapy - getting outside into nature and absorbing the suns rays. We now have a way of infusing sunshine directly into blood and are finding it to be incredibly beneficial. Ultraviolet Blood irradiation (UBI) has being used over 70 years and is based on the research of nobel prize winner Niels Ryberg Finsen. Over 300,000 clinical trials have being administered successfully throughout the United States and Europe. It was the main treatment for infectious diseases prior to the discovering of antibiotics and vaccines. We now use it for any infectious disease as well as autoimmunity, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, fatigue, muscle pain, wound healing, and depression. UVA light is immune balancing, increases circulation, and oxygenation of the blood. UVC light is more germacidal and is able to kill off viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites and UVB does a it of both.
"In an age of antibiotic resistant super bugs UBI & ozone could not be more valuable."
The changes we see in the body include, but are not limited too:
- Increase in red blood cells and hemoglobin
- Increase in white blood cells including neutrophils, phagocytes, and T cells to go after infections
- Modulation of the immune system, especially autoimmune disease
- Lowering of thrombocytes and decrease in platelet aggregation (decreased clotting) and red blood cell aggregation (better microcirculation, dilation, and flow of blood)
- Improvement in oxygen utilization and metabolism
- Reduction in cholesterol count, transaminases, and creatine levels
- Increase in arterial venous oxygen difference (increased oxygen release)
- Fall in oxidation state of blood (increase in reduction state)
- Increase in acid-buffering capacity and rise in blood pH (less acidic)
- Reduction in blood pyruvate and lactate content
- Lowering of full-blood and plasma viscosity
The body has the ability to heal once triggers are removed,
the correct nutrients are provided, and the energetic system & mind are in balance. "
A UBI treatment involves extracting ~ 60-120ml of blood, mixing it with saline and then running it back into the body through the same vein. It passes through a special cuvette which tubulates the blood towards the outside closest to the glass allowing the UVA light to penetrate it. A small amount of heparin is used to ensure the blood doesn't clot while removing it form the body. Depending on the patients presenting symptoms they may be prescribed 1-3 treatments / week.
Side effects are very minimal but can include redness or swelling at the injection site as well as increased bleeding for 1-2 hours after the procedure (due to the heparin). Although rare a "herxheimer" reaction can occur (a die off of bacteria), an infection at the site, or an allergic reaction.
UBI is contraindicated if one is on a sulfa drug (a type of antibiotic), if there are any coagulation issues (however, UBI does work on fibrin in the blood and helps prevent it from coagulating), right after a stroke or heart attack (however, once stabilized it is very beneficial), or if one is intoxicated.
It is the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th treatments that show the best results.
U B I T R E A T M E N T S & P R E G N A N C Y
UBI is safe before, during, and after pregnancy. It has been shown to treat pre-eclampsia (hypertension in pregnancy); it helps prevent miscarriages as well as pre-term births. It can help reduce excess bile sometimes associated with pregnancy in a condition called cholestasis. It helps increase blood flow to the baby as well as boost mom's energy.
Today's Medicine and the Power of Light - Tim Lowe
Ultraviolet blood irradiation: Is it time to remember "the cure that time forgot"?
UBI Overview - Tom Lowe
UBI & Ozone Therapy - John Wycoff, M.D.
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